Corey Lewis

Gracet Irungu
4 min readOct 18, 2020

Babysitting while black

This is a story of a black man who was babysitting two white children written by Melissa Gomez According to the writer a white woman called 911 on Mr. Lewis while he was caring for white children. She claimed that she wanted to make sure the children were okay.

The writer state that the woman continued to follow Mr. Lewis even after asking if the children were okay, and as soon as they got home a police office came in as a result of the call the woman had made. At that moment the police office contacted the children’s parent to confirm Mr. Lewis story, at first the parent thought it was a joke and they started laughing according to the interviewer, but the police officer told them it was the truth that someone had called 911. According to the writer Mr. Lewis stated that “he felt that he character was being criminalized because he was a black man.” People should be judged by who they are and not by the color of their skin. The children’s parent stated that Mr. Lewis was a family friend and someone who was well known in the community for working with children. They felt bad for him and what he was going through. When the children were interviewed the girl stated that she would like the woman next time she sees them to see three people rather than seeing different skin color according to the writer. We can all learn from the young girl who stated “ to see us as three people rather than different skin color.” according to Leigh Donaldson African American men has been mispresented in media whereby they are portrayed as criminals, drug dealers, and gang members. Thus, the society treat them as if they are criminals even when they are not doing anything wrong. This show how society believe what they see in media and start to practice it, Mr. Lewis could have been the father of those two children but the woman did not put that into consideration instead she jumped into conclusion that the children were in danger.

The writer says that due to negative media portrayal there is lower life expectation among black men whereby they are turned away from jobs and while on the street treated as dangerous by the police. The society perception affect how black men are treated wherever they go and thus low self esteem. Until media change how they represent black men their lives will continue to be ruined with how society sees them. Every time someone sees a black men with children who do not look like them they assume they are trying to kidnap the children or mistreating them because media do not represent black men as caring fathers rather they show them where they are paying child support or neglecting their children. written by Gretchen Livingston and Anna Brown according to the writers the intermarriage in United State has increased whereby one-in-six newly wed are married to someone of a different race or ethnicity. Thus, society perception should change with time and accept that families come in different races, not only one race. Society should stop judging people by the color of their skin and judge them on whom they are as individuals instead of judging them as a group. In the story of Mr. Lewis he could have been the father of those children, and unless the woman know their story she should not have jumped into conclusion. People are also open to adopting children of different race from their own thus, unless we know the story of individual we should keep our opinion to ourselves.

According to the writers due to the increase in intermarriage society should change how they view people of different race than them and start treating them with respect and acknowledge that interracial families exist and they are not any different than other families. They want to be respected and treated with dignity they deserve rather than seen as different because of their skin color. Though they are communities that are still in denial that intermarriages should not exist because they think it confuses the children I believe it a high time they acknowledge that intermarriage is here to stay. It has been a great improvement since 1965 but there is a great work to be done. Comparing with our class reading on cracking the code Ms. wade and her family were mixed race but still they were treated as black people thus, society need to recognize mixed families and let them decide which race they want to identify with rather than stereotype them.

